"There were 11 in the party at the start, 9 of whom did the full distance.
[Clare Kirkbride 2nd left]
We were very lucky with the weather, which was dry with some sun but quite breezy. Clare had chosen an attractive route with plenty of excellent views and also selected a good spot for our picnic lunch where some gorse bushes were so effective as a wind break that it felt positively warm.
[A rare picture of Jane Rosoux, 2nd left]
Although it was muddy in places we made such good speed that some of the party managed to catch the 4.50 pm train back. The rest of us enjoyed a brief tour of some of the attractions of Lewes, including the horse pond and the castle,...
...which dates from 1066. Towards the end of the walk we passed the Pioneer V8 car shown below...
...a local man returning from exercising his Barbary falcon...
... and a bare-chested canoist on the river Ouse..."
As usual the reports are greatly appreciated.
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